Minutes- Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

Historic Currituck Courthouse Board Room
153 Courthouse Road
Currituck, North Carolina 27929
  • Selina S. Jarvis, Vice-Chair
  • Tony Angell, Commissioner
  • Kevin E. McCord, Commissioner
  • Michael H. Payment, Commissioner
  • Janet Rose, Commissioner
  • Paul O'Neal, Chairman
  • J. Owen Etheridge, Commissioner

Vice-chair Jarvis opened the Work Session and Commissioner Payment made a motion to relocate the Work Session from the Conference Room to the Board Meeting Room.  Commissioner McCord seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 4-0.

Vice-Chair Jarvis and Commissioners McCord, Payment, and Rose attended the Work Session.

  • MOVER: Michael H. Payment
    SECONDER: Kevin E. McCord
    AYES (4)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, and Janet Rose
    AWAY (3)J. Owen Etheridge, Paul O'Neal, and Tony Angell
    RESULT: Approved (4 to 0)

Rebecca Gay, County Manager, presented a general budget overview for Commissioners.  The presentation contained a timeline for upcoming budget Work Sessions, a review of the various funds that make up the county budget, and capital funding.  Enterprise funds for utilities, system development fees, fiduciary, Trust, and Long-Term Commitments (fixed assets) were reviewed.  Revenue sources, such as property tax, sales tax and user fees were discussed.  Ms. Gay reviewed where information can be found in the current budget document, and she explained differences between "fund balance" and "cash balance" while reviewing current balances within operating funds.  She noted a thirty percent fund balance be held, per Board policy.  The Economic and Fiscal Indicators Report for January 31, 2025, and Financial Summary were distributed to Commissioners, and a review of property, sales, transfer and occupancy tax collections noted figures consistent with last year's numbers.

With no further discussion, Commissioner Rose moved to conclude the Work Session.  Commissioner Payment seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 4-0, and the Work Session closed at 5:50 PM.

The Board of Commissioners held a Regular Meeting at 6:00 PM in the Board Meeting Room of the Historic Courthouse, 153 Courthouse Road, Currituck, North Carolina.  Vice-chair Jarvis led the meeting in the absence of the Chairman and called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.

In the absence of Pastor Lawrence, Pastor Mary McClure, Moyock Methodist Church, was present to offer the Invocation and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

County Attorney, Megan Morgan, recited the Ethics Awareness and Conflicts of Interest Reminder statement.  Commissioner Rose disclosed that members of her real estate office are involved in selling property in Barco Reserve, an item on the agenda for consideration.  She is not involved with the subdivision, and after conferring with the County Attorney, it was determined that no conflict existed.

Commissioner Payment made a motion to amend the agenda and remove the ABC Board appointment.  Commissioner Angell seconded the motion and the agenda was approved, 5-0, as amended.

  • MOVER: Michael H. Payment
    SECONDER: Tony Angell
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Vice-chair Jarvis opened the Public Comment period.

Cameron Lowe, Currituck Cooperative Extension Director, introduced Cooperative Extension's new Agriculture Agent, Broughton Goodson, to Commissioners.

Todd Mitchell of Moyock spoke about the relationship between volunteer fire members and Currituck County fire staff.  He believes information being given to the Board is not accurate and asked what county fire service will look like in the future.  He discussed costs for gear and services and has recommendations to save money.

There were no other speakers and the Public Comment period was closed.

Commissioner Angell announced two Currituck County High School students will represent Currituck County in the State wrestling competition.

Commissioner Rose offered her thanks to citizens for their contributions to the community.

Commissioner Payment discussed the pending snowstorm, stressed safe driving, and recommended citizens sign up for Currituck Alert.  He said volunteer fire departments need volunteers and encouraged people to join.  He serves on the Albemarle Regional Health Services Board and discussed the medical services available to citizens through the county health department, and they are working to expand their service area.

Commissioner McCord thanked the community for the kind words after a personal loss.

Vice-chair Jarvis reported on the Board's recent visioning retreat, where Commissioners composed a mission statement, a vision statement and list of core values for the County.  She announced an upcoming Planning Retreat and reported on meetings attended, one to discuss Whalehead Dredging and another with select members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Education and staff.  She announced March for Meals, an initiative in the month of March that encourages citizens to volunteer to deliver meals to homebound seniors.

County Manager, Rebecca Gay, discussed the snow forecasted for the area and reviewed county resources where weather and county-related information can be found.

County Attorney, Megan Morgan, reported on the County Attorney's conference at the School of Government in Chapel Hill, NC, and appreciated the opportunity to attend.

Ken Griffin, Public Utilities Director, presented a status update on all of the wastewater systems operated by the county.  He presented information on the Moyock mobile plant, Maple Commerce plant, Waterside/Walnut Island plant, and the Ocean Sands plant.

Highlighting the operations and technology of the mobile plants in Moyock, he expressed confidence that the plant will meet the limits set by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).  He has no timeframe when DEQ might lift the moratorium on sewer connections.

Mr. Griffin said the Moyock permanent plant is now in the design phase and will have a 300-400,000 gallons-per-day capacity.  He presented a construction timeline with completion anticipated in August, 2027.

Mr. Griffin reported the Maple Commerce Park plant is fully compliant, with plans to upgrade systems to allow information to be shared remotely with plant controllers.  Waterside/Walnut Island has an excellent record, but there have been recent challenges with sediment input from the collections system.  A plan is in place to identify and repair areas of penetration, and he recommended a comprehensive collections system study and that an expansion plan be developed.

He reviewed recent modifications at the Ocean Sands plant and challenges related to flooding events.  He will request that DEQ waive any fines until the site has been assessed by the agency and the county is given direction.

Mr. Griffin responded to questions from Commissioners during the review, and Commissioners thanked Mr. Griffin for the informative presentation.

Parties to testify were sworn in and Megan Morgan, County Attorney, explained the quasi-judicial process and evidence the Board may consider during deliberation.  Jennie Turner, Assistant Planning Director, provided an overview of the application for Commissioners.  She used a powerpoint during review to show zoning on site, which includes Mixed Residential (MXR) and Agriculture (AG), and land uses for the site and surrounding area.  A site plan was displayed, and Ms. Turner reviewed utilities, stormwater, interior streets, buffering, and lot layouts.  School capacities, applicable policies in the Imagine Currituck 2040 Vision Plan, Special Use Permit Review Standards and Technical Review Committee comments were presented.

Ms. Turner responded to questions from Commissioners related to sidewalk location and installation along shortcut road.

Attorney for the applicant, Johnny Hallow, called and questioned witnesses to testify.  Professional Engineer, Mark Bissell, and North Carolina Real Estate Appraiser, Kim Tate, were tendered as expert witnesses during testimony. 

Mr. Bissell responded to questions from Mr. Howell and testified that the project meets or exceeds the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  He provided an overview of the plat and reviewed lot sizes, buffering, and stormwater.  He testified the project complies with the UDO and will not endanger public health or safety, noting the 100-year stormwater management analysis exceeds the county's 10-year requirement.  Mr. Bissell discussed soil suitability for septic, county water availability, and fire protection.  He responded to questions from Commissioners regarding stormwater flow and drainage.  

Mr. Bissell testified the use is compatible with the surrounding area and is in harmony with the area, as the development will be similar to those nearby.  He said it is in conformance with the land use plan, referenced supporting Land Use Plan policies, and that adequate school facilities for student generation are available.

Mr. Tate presented his analysis of the subject property, reviewed his assessment process, comparisons and methodology used to determine impacts the development would have to the value of adjacent property.  He said the use promotes a Currituck feel, is a low-density project, and will not have a negative impact on the value of adjacent property.

Mr. Tate responded to questions from Commissioners pertaining to the impacts of property values on Swains Lane, which runs behind the proposed site, and the existence of powerlines on the property that separates the MXR and AG development.

Applicant John Linton, Seaboard Development Alliance, was introduced by Mr. Hallow and addressed Commissioners.  He discussed the North Carolina Department of Transportation's plans to widen Short Cut Road, and said they are still uncertain where the expansion will be.  He addressed minimizing the powerline intrusion, plan amenities, and potential farming of open space.  Mr. Linton was asked about phasing, and he believes phasing will happen naturally over a planned, four-year period for building.

Commissioners expressed a preference for phased construction to provide assurances that a national builder won't overwhelm schools, similar to what occurred in the Moyock area.  

Mr. Linton addressed Commissioner concerns with a sidewalk along Short Cut Road, and said he would install a landscape buffer in lieu of a sidewalk installation.  He said the buffer would be developed along with roadways during site preparation.

Vice-chair Jarvis opened the Public Comment.

Robert Swain, a 46-year resident of Swains Lane, discussed issues with area flooding particularly since the road was paved.  He voiced his concerns with drainage and said ditching will not be able to appropriately drain water.  He asked that an in-depth water survey be performed.

Harvey Roberts, Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor and resident of Shawboro, considers himself to be a drainage expert and is very familiar with Swains Lane.  He discussed where the ditches drain and said that there have been many beaver dams removed from the area that will help with drainage.

Valerie Ashbury, a resident of Swains Lane, said she will be directly affected by the development.  She said standing water exists currently in her yard, both front and back, and she cannot understand as to where the water will drain, as the area is never dry.  She believes the water issues are not being considered fully, that their property values will be affected, and wants some assurance they won't be flooded out.  She asked the Board to look at the area before making a decision.

There were no other speakers and Public Comment was closed.

Mr. Bissell returned to address drainage and described how water run-off would be restricted post-development as opposed to the unrestricted runoff of water currently.  He explained a slow-release pond would hold stormwater, and stormwater modeling would be performed and reviewed by stormwater engineers.

Commissioners recessed from 8:18 PM till 8:26 PM.  The meeting was reconvened and there was no further discussion.

Commissioner Jarvis moved to deny PB 24-26:  Barco Reserve Subdivision preliminary plat/special use permit because the applicant has not demonstrated the proposed use meets the review standards of the UDO.  The standards were not met to ensure the use will not endanger the public health or safety, and this mainly is due to the stormwater inconsistencies; the use will injure the value of adjoining or abutting lands; it is not in conformity with the Imagine Currituck 2040 Vision Plan, specifically Land Use 1.3, Land Use 1.4, Infrastructure and County Service Goal 1 and Infrastructure and County Service Goal 7.2; and the use will exceed the county's ability to provide adequate public facilities, because of no guarantees of phasing it does not ensure and protect our public facilities.

Commissioner Payment seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0, and the Special Use Permit was denied.

  • MOVER: Selina S. Jarvis
    SECONDER: Michael H. Payment
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Megan Morgan, County Attorney, reviewed the ordinance to amend the Order of Business on Commissioner meeting agendas.  As the second reading of the ordinance, only a majority vote is needed to pass.

Commissioner Payment moved for approval.  Commissioner Angell seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Michael H. Payment
    SECONDER: Tony Angell
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Megan Morgan, County Attorney, reviewed the Ordinance to prohibit the intentional release of balloons in the county.  She said, as the second reading, only a majority vote is needed to pass.

Commissioner Angell moved for approval.  Commissioner Rose seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 4-1, with Commissioner McCord opposed.  

  • MOVER: Tony Angell
    SECONDER: Janet Rose
    AYES (4)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    OPPOSED (1)Kevin E. McCord
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (4 to 1)

Rebecca Gay, County Manager, reviewed the Resolution resulting from the Board's strategic planning meeting when Commissioners created a Mission Statement and Vision Statement, and established core values for adoption as the official direction for Currituck County.

Vice-chair Jarvis read the Resolution and Commissioner McCord moved for approval.  Commissioner Rose seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.  

  • MOVER: Kevin E. McCord
    SECONDER: Janet Rose
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

County Manager, Rebecca Gay, reviewed the Resolution establishing county support for the 911 SAVES Act and the reclassification of Telecommunicators as a Protective Service Occupation in North Carolina Public Safety.

Commissioner McCord moved for approval and Commissioner Payment seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Kevin E. McCord
    SECONDER: Michael H. Payment
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Rebecca Gay, County Manager, read the Resolution to establish the county's support for an updated beach and inlet management plan, as a member of the North Carolina Beach and Inlet Waterway Association.  Commissioner Angell moved for approval and Commissioner McCord seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Tony Angell
    SECONDER: Kevin E. McCord
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

This item was removed from the agenda.

Commissioner Payment moved to approve all member appointments to the Planning Board.  Commissioner McCord seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Michael H. Payment
    SECONDER: Kevin E. McCord
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Commissioner McCord moved for approval of the Consensus appointments to the Whalehead Subdivision Improvement Advisory.  Commissioner Angell seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Kevin E. McCord
    SECONDER: Tony Angell
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)

Commissioner McCord moved for approval of the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner Payment seconded the motion.  The motion passed, 5-0.

  • MOVER: Kevin E. McCord
    SECONDER: Michael H. Payment
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)



The Board had no further business and Commissioner Rose moved to adjourn.  Commissioner McCord seconded the motion.  The motion carried, 5-0, and the Regular Meeting of the Board concluded at 8:43 PM.

  • MOVER: Janet Rose
    SECONDER: Kevin E. McCord
    AYES (5)Michael H. Payment, Selina S. Jarvis, Kevin E. McCord, Janet Rose, and Tony Angell
    AWAY (2)J. Owen Etheridge, and Paul O'Neal
    RESULT: Approved (5 to 0)