Currituck County

Historic Currituck Courthouse Board Room
153 Courthouse Road
Currituck, North Carolina 27929

Please limit comments to matters other than those appearing on this agenda as a Public Hearing. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes.

Seaboard Development Alliance, LLC, is requesting a preliminary plat/special use permit for a 45-lot Traditional and Conservation Subdivision. The property is split zoned Mixed Residential (MXR) and Agriculture (AG). The property is owned by Nina S. and Alvin L. Smithson Jr. and is located in Barco on the south side of the intersection of Shortcut Road and Barco Road, Tax Map 60, Parcel 100, Crawford Township.

Agenda amended, item removed.

Appoint Steve Hedrick to replace David Doll-Unexpired term ending 12-31-2025 (P. O'Neal, At-Large)

Reappointments-Terms expiring December 31, 2026

  • Mike Corbell to 2nd term (M. Payment, Dist. 3)
  • Bryan Bass to 3rd term (J. Rose, Dist. 3)
  • Brian Innes to 1st full term (K. McCord, At-large)

Consensus Appointments:

Appoint Paul Amble, MD, replacing Cheryl Koehl-Unexpired Term ending January 30, 2026


  • Larry Queen to 3rd Term ending January 30, 2027
  • Jim Cummings to 2nd term ending January 30, 2027
  • Harry Lucas to 2nd term ending January 30, 2027