Currituck County

Historic Currituck Courthouse Board Room
153 Courthouse Road
Currituck, North Carolina 27929

North-South Development Group, LLC, is requesting conditional rezoning of a 21.99-acre parcel from Agriculture (AG) to Conditional-General Business (C-GB) for the proposed use as a shopping center without parcels.  The subject property is located in Moyock off Caratoke Highway and Survey Road, PIN 0015-000-085D-000, Moyock Township.

Request for conventional rezoning of 39.9 acres owned by Green Meadows Investments, LLC from Heavy Industrial (HI) to General Business (GB).  The subject property is located in Moyock on the northeast side of Caratoke Highway (NC 168) and north of Rowland Creek Road (SR 1347), PIN 0023-000-0008-0000, Moyock Township.

Request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 4. Use Standards, to modify food truck standards.

Request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 1. Section 1.4, to exempt county and county school projects from the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance.

Request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 2.3.6 and Chapter 4, Section 4.2.5, to modify extractive industry (mining) regulations including the public hearing mailed notice requirements, total land area calculations, setbacks, and administrative authority for expansion.

Request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 3.4.6. and Chapter 4, Table 4.1.1.A. Summary Use Table, to modify the allowable uses and building size in the Mixed Residential (MXR) zoning district.

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